Lessons learned implementing trig functions without floating point numbers


  • \(\sin\) and \(\cos\) are mathematical functions taking the argument in radians

  • \(\text{tsin}\) and \(\text{tcos}\) are mathematical functions taking the argument in turns

  • sin and cos are the C functions that calculate \(\sin\) and \(\cos\) on doubles

  • tsin and tcos are the C functions that calculate \(\text{tsin}\) and \(\text{tcos}\) on doubles

  • isin and icos are the C functions that calculate \(\text{tsin}\) and \(\text{tcos}\) on fixed point numbers

Choosing turns over radians

This is a tough decision for a mathematician to do, but \(\pi\) is irrational and computer numbers are rationals. What’s more, they are (almost always) multiples of a power of 2. This means that, in floating point numbers of any precision, sin\((\pi) \ne 0\), because the argument is rounded before being passed to the function. If we use turns, though, more of the meaningful angles are exactly representable: tsin\((\frac 1 2) = 0\); in fact, \(\forall n \in \mathbb{N}\), tsin\((\frac n 2) = 0\) and tcos\((\frac n 2) = \pm 1\), always, with exactly zero error, as at worst the input will be rounded towards the nearest integer.

Moreover (and this is completely anecdotal) the most common operation that a user does before feeding an exact value to sin or cos is likely to multiply it by some integer multiple of \(\pi\), and the first thing that (at least some) mathematical library does is immediately divide by \(2\pi\).

Polynomial interpolation

A common strategy for evaluating transcendental functions on computer hardware is to find a good enough interpolating polynomial for a small subset of the function’s domain, and then to refer the other values back to that subset by some symmetry.

For our purposes, we will first focus on finding an interpolating polynomial for the \(\cos\) function on the range \([-\frac\pi 4, \frac\pi 4)\) (or rather for the \(\text{tcos}\) function on the corresponding range \([-\frac 1 8, \frac 1 8)\)). Then the \(\text{tcos}\) function can be calculated by multiplying the angle by 4, and the integer part mod 4 tells us what function to apply on the fractional part:

  • if \(\left\lfloor4x\right\rceil \equiv 0 \pmod{4}\), calculate \(+\) icos\(\left(2^{63} \cdot 8\left(x - \frac{\left\lfloor4x\right\rceil}{4}\right)\right)\)

  • if \(\left\lfloor4x\right\rceil \equiv 1 \pmod{4}\), calculate \(-\) isin\(\left(2^{63} \cdot 8\left(x - \frac{\left\lfloor4x\right\rceil}{4}\right)\right)\)

  • if \(\left\lfloor4x\right\rceil \equiv 2 \pmod{4}\), calculate \(-\) icos\(\left(2^{63} \cdot 8\left(x - \frac{\left\lfloor4x\right\rceil}{4}\right)\right)\)

  • if \(\left\lfloor4x\right\rceil \equiv 3 \pmod{4}\), calculate \(+\) isin\(\left(2^{63} \cdot 8\left(x - \frac{\left\lfloor4x\right\rceil}{4}\right)\right)\)

We want a few good properties of this polynomial; first, we want it to be a close approximation, which means that for all values of \(x \in [-\frac 1 8, \frac 1 8)\), the absolute error \(|p(x) - \text{tcos}(x)|\) is smaller than some defined threshold. Since the goal is implementing trigonometric functions for posit arithmetic, we’re looking for an error in the order of \(2^{-61}\), which corresponds to about 1ULP (unit in last place) for the posit value \(\frac{\sqrt{2}}{2}\) (which is the smallest output value we need to care about); this also means that we need to do significantly better than double precision arithmetic, which only has 53 bits of precision and as such can get away with an error below \(2^{-54}\).

Second, we want it to be cheap to evaluate: for polynomials this means to have as small of a degree as possible, in our case a degree 14 polynomial is enough, however the terms of odd degree will be zero due to \(\text{tcos}\) being an even function, and only 6 terms (plus the constant term) will be used.

I’m going to be real with you chief, I’m not doing that by hand.

Obviously, finding the best polynomial to approximate \(\text{tcos}\) would take forever to do by hand, considering that the coefficients need about the same number of significant digits that we want in our result. Fortunately interpolating polynomials are very well researched, and getting a computer to do the heavy lifting for us will be pretty easy; the first order of business is getting some accurate samples of the \(\text{tcos}\) function.

Standing on the shoulders of giants, we know that for maximum numerical accuracy it’s a good idea not to use equidistant samples, which would incur Runge’s phenomenon, but instead to choose a set of Chebyshev nodes, obtained through the formula:

\[x_k = a + (b-a) \cos\left(\frac k n \pi\right)\]

where \([a, b]\) is the interval we want to approximate our function on.

Ok then, we ask Wolfram Alpha (which supposedly calculates \(\cos\) accurately enough for our purposes) with a series of queries like this:

round(cos(k/14 * pi) * 2^63) for k in {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14}

round(cos(cos(k/14 * pi) * pi/4) * 2^63) for k in {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14}

and get back our data:

\(x \cdot 2^{63}\) \(y \cdot 2^{63}\)































now it’s time to do some actual math. I chose haskell as a language because it has good support for arbitrary precision rational numbers: if any of our values so much as touch a floating point representation, we will be losing precision.

xs' = [-9223372036854775808
      , 0000000000000000000
      , 2052393359867478633
      , 4001871146622878209
      , 5750678403727967667
      , 7211122632928341039
      , 8309971062287876938
      , 8992122843167040398
      , 9223372036854775808

ys' = [6521908912666391106

xs = map (/(2^63)) xs'

ys = map (/(2^63)) ys'

One way to find the interpolating polynomial given a set of nodes is through Newton’s polynomial form:

our coefficients are the entries of a vector $\underline{c}$ such that:

\[\begin{bmatrix} 1 &0 &0 &\dots &0 \\ 1 &(x_1 - x_0) &0 &\dots &0 \\ \vdots &\vdots &\vdots &\ddots &\vdots \\ 1 &(x_n - x_0) &(x_n - x_0)(x_n - x_1) &\dots &(x_n-x_0)\dots(x_n-x_{n-1})\\ \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} c_0 \\ c_1 \\ \vdots \\ c_n \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} y_0 \\ y_1 \\ \vdots \\ y_n \end{bmatrix}\]

we construct the lower triangular matrix as a list of lists (here I rounded the values for printing).

newtonMatrix = map row xs
  where row = takeWhile (/=0)
              . scanl (*) 1
              . zipWith (flip (-)) xs
              . repeat
 [1.0,0.37651019814126646,0.13232003255213892,3.671603905143758e- ...
 [1.0,0.5661162608824418,0.30629390422737474,0.1430653277020612,4 ...
 [1.0,0.7774790660436856,0.5849806747155206,0.3968789301591433,0. ...
 [1.0,1.0,0.9749279121818236,0.8783796973249267,0.686744900929366 ...

then the coefficients to Newton’s form can be obtained by solving the triangular system:

newtonCoeff = zipWith fn newtonMatrix ys
  where fn row y = (y - ((init row) `dot` newtonCoeff)) / (last row)
        as `dot` bs = sum $ zipWith (*) as bs
[0.7071067811865476,0.5498566944938549,-0.22502818791042026,-5.31 ...

these are not particularly comfortable to use in our case though, because the evaluation formula for newton’s polynomial still involves the sample positions \(x_0 \dots x_n\):

\[P(x) = \sum_{i=0}^n \left(c_j \prod_{j=0}^{i-1} (x - x_j)\right)\]

in order to get a cheaper evaluation formula, we can rewrite the equation in the following form and distribute the products to get the power series form of the polynomial:

\[P(x) = c_0 + (x - x_0)(c_1 + (x - x_1)(c_2 + (x - x_2)(\dots + (x - x_{n-1})c_n\dots))).\]
powerSeries [c] _ = [c]
powerSeries (c:cs) (x:xs) = (c+const):rest
  where psc' = powerSeries cs xs
        (const:rest) = zipWith (-) (0:psc') $ map (x*) (psc'++[0])

coefficients = powerSeries newtonCoeff xs

the result are coefficients \(\tilde{c}_j\) such that

\[P(x) = \sum_{j=0}^n \tilde{c}_j x^j.\]

we can print our result, converted to fixnum:

main = mapM (print . round . (*(2^63))) coefficients

The first is the constant term, which we can verify is equal to \(2^{63}\), and represents icos\((0)\); after that every other term is zero, which matches up with our prediction; the remaining terms alternate signs, similar to the Taylor coefficients for \(\cos\)' power series. In fact, they are nearly identical accounting for the rescaling.

Evaluating the polynomial

The formula we want to evaluate now is:

\[\begin{align} \text{tcos}(\alpha) \sim 1 &- \frac{2844719788994575527}{2^{63}} \alpha^2 + \frac{146230515361076815} {2^{63}} \alpha^4 - \frac{3006744454122068} {2^{63}} \alpha^6 \\ &+ \frac{33119841825907} {2^{63}} \alpha^8 - \frac{226999764641} {2^{63}} \alpha^{10} + \frac{1060732338} {2^{63}} \alpha^{12} - \frac{3557527} {2^{63}} \alpha^{14} \end{align}\]

since our input and output are fixed point numbers, what we will end up is:

\[\begin{align} \text{icos}(t) = 2^{63} &- 2844719788994575527 \left(\frac{t}{2^{63}}\right)^2 + 146230515361076815 \left(\frac{t}{2^{63}}\right)^4 - 3006744454122068 \left(\frac{t}{2^{63}}\right)^6 \\ &+ 33119841825907 \left(\frac{t}{2^{63}}\right)^8 - 226999764641 \left(\frac{t}{2^{63}}\right)^{10} + 1060732338 \left(\frac{t}{2^{63}}\right)^{12} - 3557527 \left(\frac{t}{2^{63}}\right)^{14} \end{align}\]

Now, we obviously can’t calculate \(\frac t {2^{63}}\) right away, as that would always be \(0\) or \(\pm 1\) when rounded to an integer and we would lose all our precision; we also would like as many of our divisions to have a denominator of exactly \(2^{64}\), since that’s equivalent to taking the higher word of a merged 128-bit register, which on x86_64 is very cheap (good ol' _mulx_u64).

we perform the following substitution:

\[\begin{align} x_2 = \frac{t^2}{2^{62}} &= \left(\frac{t}{2^{63}}\right)^2 2^{64} \\ x_{2n+2} = \frac{x_{2n} \cdot x_2}{2^{64}} &= \left(\frac{t}{2^{63}}\right)^{2n+2} 2^{64} \\ \text{icos}(t) = 2^{63} &- \frac{x_2 \cdot 2844719788994575527}{2^{64}} + \frac{x_4 \cdot 146230515361076815 }{2^{64}} - \frac{x_6 \cdot 3006744454122068 }{2^{64}}\\ &+ \frac{x_8 \cdot 33119841825907 }{2^{64}} - \frac{x_{10} \cdot 226999764641 }{2^{64}} + \frac{x_{12} \cdot 1060732338 }{2^{64}} - \frac{x_{14} \cdot 3557527 }{2^{64}} \end{align}\]

We implement that in C as:

uint64_t icos(int64_t t) {
	static const uint64_t c[] = {

	uint64_t x2  = ((int128_t)t    * (int128_t)t)   >> 62;
	uint64_t x4  = ((uint128_t)x2  * (uint128_t)x2) >> 64;
	uint64_t x6  = ((uint128_t)x4  * (uint128_t)x2) >> 64;
	uint64_t x8  = ((uint128_t)x6  * (uint128_t)x2) >> 64;
	uint64_t x10 = ((uint128_t)x8  * (uint128_t)x2) >> 64;
	uint64_t x12 = ((uint128_t)x10 * (uint128_t)x2) >> 64;
	uint64_t x14 = ((uint128_t)x12 * (uint128_t)x2) >> 64;

	uint64_t res = (uint64_t)INT64_MAX + 1;
	res -= (uint128_t)x2  * (uint128_t)c[0] >> 64;
	res += (uint128_t)x4  * (uint128_t)c[1] >> 64;
	res -= (uint128_t)x6  * (uint128_t)c[2] >> 64;
	res += (uint128_t)x8  * (uint128_t)c[3] >> 64;
	res -= (uint128_t)x10 * (uint128_t)c[4] >> 64;
	res += (uint128_t)x12 * (uint128_t)c[5] >> 64;
	res -= (uint128_t)x14 * (uint128_t)c[6] >> 64;

	return res;

Here we’re exploiting the fact that modern compilers offer support for the types __int128 and unsigned __int128, which we don’t really use fully: we only care about the upper half of the result which on x86_64 gets stored in rdx after a multiplication.

Now all our multiplications are between numbers in the range \([0,2^{64})\), there’s no integer division in sight and…​ wait, what’s that?


Yeah uhm, it turns out that ((int128_t)INT64_MIN * (int128_t)INT64_MIN) >> 62 is exactly UINT64_MAX + 1, and it makes us overflow. For reference, INT64_MIN was one of our sample points and the correct value there was 6521908912666391106.

The fix is pretty easy, just subtract 1 from x2 if t==INT64_MIN to take it back in the representable range of uint64_t. We will verify that the error introduced this way is negligible.

uint64_t icos(int64_t t) {
	static const uint64_t c[] = {

	uint64_t x2  = (((int128_t)t * (int128_t)t) >> 62) - (t==INT64_MIN);
	uint64_t x4  = ((uint128_t)x2  * (uint128_t)x2) >> 64;
	uint64_t x6  = ((uint128_t)x4  * (uint128_t)x2) >> 64;
	uint64_t x8  = ((uint128_t)x6  * (uint128_t)x2) >> 64;
	uint64_t x10 = ((uint128_t)x8  * (uint128_t)x2) >> 64;
	uint64_t x12 = ((uint128_t)x10 * (uint128_t)x2) >> 64;
	uint64_t x14 = ((uint128_t)x12 * (uint128_t)x2) >> 64;

	uint64_t res = (uint64_t)INT64_MAX + 1;
	res -= (uint128_t)x2  * (uint128_t)c[0] >> 64;
	res += (uint128_t)x4  * (uint128_t)c[1] >> 64;
	res -= (uint128_t)x6  * (uint128_t)c[2] >> 64;
	res += (uint128_t)x8  * (uint128_t)c[3] >> 64;
	res -= (uint128_t)x10 * (uint128_t)c[4] >> 64;
	res += (uint128_t)x12 * (uint128_t)c[5] >> 64;
	res -= (uint128_t)x14 * (uint128_t)c[6] >> 64;

	return res;

Reducing computation cost

Now that we have a formula to evaluate, we need to worry about doing so efficiently. currently, we are calculating all powers of t up front, and then summing them all together for a total of 14 multiplications and 7 additions, but there is a trick to evaluating long polynomials with less operations. We consider the evaluation formula we settled for (\(\bar{c}_j\) will be the integer coefficients we chose) and factor out \(x_2\) in a few places (remember that \(x_{2n+2} = x_{2n} \cdot x_2 \cdot 2^{-64}\)).

\[\begin{align} \text{icos}(t) = 2^{63} &- \frac{x_2 \cdot \bar{c}_0}{2^{64}} + \frac{x_4 \cdot \bar{c}_1}{2^{64}} - \frac{x_6 \cdot \bar{c}_2}{2^{64}} + \frac{x_8 \cdot \bar{c}_3}{2^{64}} - \frac{x_{10} \cdot \bar{c}_4}{2^{64}} + \frac{x_{12} \cdot \bar{c}_5}{2^{64}} - \frac{x_{14} \cdot \bar{c}_6}{2^{64}}\\ = 2^{63} &- \frac{x_2}{2^{64}}\left( \bar{c}_0 - \frac{x_2}{2^{64}}\left( \bar{c}_1 - \frac{x_2}{2^{64}}\left( \bar{c}_2 - \frac{x_2}{2^{64}}\left( \bar{c}_3 - \frac{x_2}{2^{64}}\left( \bar{c}_4 - \frac{x_2}{2^{64}}\left( \bar{c}_5 - \frac{x_2}{2^{64}}\bar{c}_6 \right) \right) \right) \right) \right) \right) \end{align}\]

This way we only need to perform 8 multiplications (one is hidden in \(x_2\)'s definition) and 7 additions. In practice we implement this in the following way:

uint64_t icos(int64_t t) {
	static const uint64_t c[] = {

	uint64_t x2 = (((int128_t)t * (int128_t)t) >> 62) - (t==INT64_MIN);

	uint64_t res = 0;
	res = (uint128_t)x2 * (uint128_t)(c[6])       >> 64;
	res = (uint128_t)x2 * (uint128_t)(c[5] - res) >> 64;
	res = (uint128_t)x2 * (uint128_t)(c[4] - res) >> 64;
	res = (uint128_t)x2 * (uint128_t)(c[3] - res) >> 64;
	res = (uint128_t)x2 * (uint128_t)(c[2] - res) >> 64;
	res = (uint128_t)x2 * (uint128_t)(c[1] - res) >> 64;
	res = (uint128_t)x2 * (uint128_t)(c[0] - res) >> 64;
	return  (1ULL << 63) - res;

Doing this changes the digit in last place for some of the values, but this formula should be more accurate overall, so we’re not too worried about that. We will do some better error analysis later.